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July 2, 2017 |
Comfort From The Second Coming |
In both 1st and 2nd Thessalonians Paul makes many comments about the return of our Lord (the Second Coming), the resurrection, and rising to be with him (the Rapture). In this lesson we are going to look at one particular set of those verses. This short set covers all of these events. Bur Paul's purpose in talking about these is not just to inform the Thessalonians of these events. He will say they should comfort those whose loved ones have died by talking about the Second Coming, the resurrection, and the Rapture.
Before we start we need to understand a term that is used in these verses:
Fallen Asleep or Are Asleep - Used in many places in the Bible including by Jesus. When God speaks of death he means complete separation from God, sometimes called the Second Death. Jesus used "fallen asleep" to teach his disciples that those who have died are separated from us but not from God. The early church commonly used "fallen asleep" but now we just say "died."
13 I want you to know my brethren, that you should not have sorrow for those who are asleep, as do the rest of mankind who have no hope.
14 For if we believe that Yeshua died and arose, in this way also God shall bring with him those who have fallen asleep in Yeshua.
15 But this we say to you by the word of Our Lord, that we, those who remain at the coming of Our Lord, we who have life, shall not overtake those who are asleep;
16 Because our Lord shall descend from Heaven with a command and with the voice of the Archangel and with the trumpet blast of God, and the dead who are in the Messiah shall rise first;
17 And then we who remain, who have life, we shall be carried away with them together in clouds to a meeting of our Lord in the air, and in this way, we shall always be with our Lord.
18 Therefore, comfort one another with these words.
1. Why should we not be sorrowful, like unbelievers are, for those who have died?
2. If we believe Jesus died and later rose from the dead then those who have died will _______________?
3. Of all those who have died, who will be resurrected?
4. There is an order to which group, the dead or the living, rises to be with the Messiah. Which is first?
5. What is the first event of all these events?
6. Why is there a trumpet blast? (extra credit)
7. Where will we meet the Messiah?
8. Do we comfort one another with these words, as Paul says?