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Bible Study OurHope Emblem July 5, 2015
Bible Characters


The Old Testament is full of events and characters that play out the story of Israel as a people with many flaws and of God who loved them and tried to direct them. The New Testament has fewer of these events and characters but, of course it has the central character, Jesus, and the events of his life.

In this lesson we will look at some of these characters and events and consider their place in the Bible


This lesson has two parts. Each part will start with an exercise which will be followed by a discussion

Match the actions on the left with the persons on the right by entering the letter from the action into the box on the right. Use the button to check your answers. Lit green lights indicate correct answers.

A. Led Israel across the desert for 40 years Jesus
B. Spent more than 1 year on a boat Verses Saul
C. Brought a dead child back to life Verses Samson
D. Baptized people in the Jordan River Paul
E. Ate honey from a beehive in a lion carcass Verses Moses
F. Saw a bright light while travelling to the city of Damascus John
G. Sang while in prison in Philippi Elijah
H. Died but was brought back to life again Noah

Discuss each of the events above and its importance to the Bible

Match the descriptions on the left with the numbers on the right by entering the letter from the description into the box on the right. Use the button to check your answers. Lit green lights indicate correct answers.

A. "Honor your father and mother" commandment. 3
B. Perfection / Completion 30
C. God 6
D. Pieces of silver paid to Judas 10
E. Disciples 12
F. Days of creation 7
G. Mothers of the 12 sons of Jacob / Israel Verses Verses 5
H. Horns on the Beast of Revelation Verses 4

Discuss each of the events above and its importance to the Bible