
Some misunderstand repentance to mean regret or remorse for things that have been done but that isn’t the complete picture. Repentance means to turn away from something, to turn your back to it, to reject it. In Christianity we repent of the godless life we once lived. Regret and remorse may accompany repentance but repentance is the decison to do your best, with God as your support, not to do that again.

Like so many other things in Christianity, repentance isn’t only in the mind. It is deeper, in the heart. It is an about-face of everything that you are to turn toward God and his ways.

"The answer is near your mouth and your heart.” This is the word of the faith that we preach. 9 And if you will confess with your mouth Our Lord Yeshua, and you will believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall have life. 10 For the heart that believes in him is made right, and the mouth that confesses him has life. (Romans 10:8-10)