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Bible Study OurHope Emblem February 19, 2012



"'Adam' (Hebrew אָדָם comes from the trilateral root אָדַם ( 'ADM ), meaning 'red', 'fair', 'handsome'. In the Book of Genesis, Adam occurs as a proper name in chapters 2-5. As a masculine noun, 'adam means 'man', 'mankind' usually in a collective context as in humankind, and may also refer to the individual human. The noun 'adam is also the masculine form of the word adamah which means 'ground' or 'earth'. It is related to the words: adom (red), admoni (ruddy), and dam (blood).

"In the first five chapters of Genesis the word אָדָם ( 'adam ) is used in all of its senses: collectively ('mankind'),[1:27] individually (a 'man'),[2:7] gender nonspecific, ('man and woman')[5:1,2] and male.[2:23-24]

"In Genesis 1:27 'adam' is used in the collective sense, whereby not only the individual Adam, but all humans, are created on the sixth day. The interplay between the individual 'Adam' and the collective 'humankind' is a main literary component to the events that occur in the Garden of Eden, the ambiguous meanings embedded throughout the moral, sexual, and spiritual terms of the narrative reflecting the complexity of the human condition. Genesis 2:7 is the first verse where 'Adam' takes on the sense of an individual man (the first man): the context of sex and gender, prior to these verses, is absent. The gender distinction of 'adam' is then reiterated in Genesis 5:1-2 by defining 'male and female'.

"A recurring literary motif that occurs in Gen. 1-8, is the bond between Adam and the earth ('adamah'). Adam is made from the earth, and it is from this 'adamah' that Adam gets his name. God's cursing of Adam also results in the earth being cursed,[3:17] and Adam returns to the earth from which he was taken.[3:19] This 'earthly' aspect is a component of Adam's identity, and Adam's curse of estrangement from the earth seems to render humankind's divided identity of being earthly yet separated from nature.[8:21]"1

Below are the words for Adam, with its root word Dam (blood), and two words that have Adam (man) as their root word Adamah (earth / clay) and Edom (red)2




1 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam

2 http://www.ancient-hebrew.org/emagazine/001.html