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Bible Study Lessons This is a list of adult Bible Study lessons that have been presented, in reverse order, so the latest is at the top. Touch the name to go to the lesson Over time, these lessons have become more advanced and some are now very advanced material that may require understanding less deep concepts that are still not widely known. Sometimes these are found in earlier lessons. I also have a YouTube channel that is focused on prophecy. That has now moved to Rumble, although the previous videos are still on YouTube. I also have a book you might find interesting. |
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![]() Lincoln's Guilt | Lincoln acted on his own desire and without a legal basis when he provoked the Confederates into war. What does the Bible say? | 2025-03-27 |
![]() The Cleansing of the Spirit | The ways in which the Holy Spirit cleans us | 2025-02-02 |
![]() The Nicodemus Teachings | Jesus packs a lot into some teachings that he gives to Nicodemus | 2024-12-21 |
![]() How I Got Here | The path God took me on to becoming a real Christian | 2024-11-11 |
![]() The Church Business Plan | Does God want his churches to be run like corporations with business plans? | 2024-09-12 |
Sabbatismos, 5 Ways | There are 5 ways to understand the meaning of the Greek word "Sabbatismos" in Hebrews 4 | 2024-08-21 |
My Lord The Time Has Come | A poem based on the four horsemen of Revelation | 2024-08-09 |
What Should Have Happened In The Garden | No one ever asks what should have happened in the Garden of Eden when the snake started saying new things to Eve. | 2024-06-29 |
![]() How Many Strikes | One of the most basic questions in Christianity can't be answered by most Christians. | 2024-05-26 |
The Church of Thyatira | Most people don't understand Revelation's message to the Church of Thyatira. It's also a message to the churches of our time. | 2024-04-28 |
![]() Bible Text Tampering | A study of the worst, and most obvious, case of tampering with the text of the Bible. | 2024-04-08 |
The Continuing Story Of Adam And Eve | The story of Adam and Eve is not about two people that we have nothing in common with. | 2024-03-29 |
![]() Judges 19 | A deep look into one of the grizzly stories of the Bible. | 2024-03-17 |
Arguments On Mark 7:19 | Some translations render Mark 7:19 as a declaration by Jesus that all meats are clean. This study argues against that idea. | 2024-02-26 |
Sometimes Faithfulness Is A Closed Mouth | God may reveal things to us that he doesn't want us to reveal to others | 2024-01-29 |
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![]() The Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse | Understanding what the message is behind the Four Horsemen of Revelation | 2023-12-10 |
The Sun Will Be Darkened | Looking at the many Bible verses about the Sun darkening and when that happens | 2023-12-07 |
The 3rd Temptation Of Jesus | There is a widespread misunderstanding of the 3rd temptation that Satan offers Jesus. | 2023-11-26 |
Ending The Apostolic Age | The Apostolic Age was an important step in the progression of Christianity. It was very different from the Christianity we know. | 2023-07-24 |
The Biblical View Of Reparation For Slavery | Is something due to blacks for slavery? The Bible speaks both on the crime and the path to reparation. | 2023-07-15 |
Sometimes Grace Is A Thorn | We think of grace as being good things or, at least, escape from bad things. Grace isn't always like that though. | 2023-06-29 |
Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box | A study of the meaning of the lyrics and video imagery for the Nirvana song - Heart Shaped Box | 2023-06-20 |
Zechariah 11 - 14 | An analysis of the last 4 chapters of Zechariah | 2023-05-16 |
The Sermon on the Mount | An analysis of the Sermon on the Mount, beginning with the Beatitudes | 2023-04-18 |
![]() Where Is God In Esther | Answering the question, why is God never mentioned in the book of Esther | 2023-03-24 |
Zipporah | A look at Zipporah, the wife of Moses, and the intricacies of birth purification and circumcision | 2023-02-09 |
The Sixth Trumpet | A study of the 6th Trumpet events from Revelation | 2023-01-28 |
Sabbatismos | The book of Hebrews uses the Greek word Sabbatismos but the translations of it are odd. What is the correct meaning? | 2023-01-24 |
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Understanding Parables | Many Christians don't understand how to get the message that lies beneath a parable | 2022-12-26 |
Eating From The Tree Of Life | What would have been the consequence of eating from the Tree of Life? | 2022-12-16 |
Was Adam There? | Was Adam Present When Eve Sinned? | 2022-12-14 |
Chanukah | Should we care about Chanukah (Hanukkah)? | 2022-12-11 |
Jesus' Resurrection Body | Was Jesus' resurrected into the same kind of body that we will have when we are resurrected? | 2022-12-06 |
3 Breaths | The Bible uses 3 words to describe the nature of mankind. Each of these is sometimes translated to the word "breath". | 2022-11-25 |
The End Of Prophets? | Some theological schools are teaching that Jesus said there would be no more prophets after John the Baptist. Is that valid? | 2022-10-25 |
Why God Gave Men The Lead Role | Paul makes it clear that men have the lead role in the home and in the church. Why should that be? | 2022-10-17 |
![]() Women In The Church | Paul says many things about the role of women in the church. Much of what he says is not understood correctly. | 2022-10-16 |
Pulling Eve From Under The Bus | Some people feel the need to defend Eve and thereby defend all women. This causes them to twist what the Bible says. | 2022-04-03 |
The Change in Eve | What exactly changed in Eve when she ate the fruit that she knew good and evil? What had she been like before that event? | 2022-04-03 |
Passover: What, When, and Why | A study of the details of Passover, many of which are not known by most Christians | 2022-04-03 |
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End-Times Events | A list of the "Can't Miss" events of the end-times | 2021-04-18 |
Imminence | The Doctrine of Imminence is studied | 2021-04-04 |
Did God Change The Ten | Exodus 34 can be read in a way that makes it seem like God replaces the Ten Commandments with a different set. Is this correct? | 2021-02-06 |
First Church | Looking at the first church to form after Jesus' time. Was it supposed to be a model for us? | 2020-09-11 |
The Structure of Leviticus 23 | Leviticus 23 is known to describe the feast days but it describes other things and has been structured in very specific ways | 2020-09-20 |
Pacifism and the Christian | Answering the question whether Pacifism is the way of the Christian | 2020-01-05 |
Shavu'ot - Weeks | A look at the many facets of the feast of Shavu'ot (Feast of Weeks) | 2020-05-18 |
How Long | How long until the Messiah returns | 2020-03-02 |
Satan Attacks the Church | 2020-03-02 | |
The Sabbath for Beginners | Making the change to Sabbath Keeping | 2020-03-01 |
Marriage - Covenant | How God's marriage covenant works | 2020-02-23 |
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Keeping The Sabbath | What the Bible says about how we should keep the Sabbath | 2019-12-25 |
Matching Bible Words | A matching puzzle where Bible words are matched with their meanings | 2019-12-23 |
Liberal Church | How the moral values of a liberal worldview causes a person to act and the effect on a church | 2019-07-21 |
What The Sabbath Is Not | A rebuttal of the CoG7 Denver redefinition of the Sabbath as presented in a Sabbath School lesson | 2019-07-07 |
What Is The Sabbath | Understanding the Sabbath as described in the 4th Commandment | 2019-06-16 |
Revelation Overview | The basic concepts in Revelation | 2019-06-04 |
The Afterlife According to Job | A look at the references to the afterlife in Job | 2019-03-17 |
Why Does a Loving God | Answering the common question 'Why does a loving God allow evil' | 2019-02-24 |
Old Covenant - New Covenant Relationship | A study of God's Covenants focusing on the covenant with Israel and the new covenant, with the purpose of developing a method for determining what things from the old covenant continue on in the new covenant | 2019-01-20 |
Salvation In The Millennium | A study of how salvation would work during the Millennium rule by Jesus | 2019-01-01 |
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To Sleep Perchance To Dream | A study of Jesus' use of "sleep" where we would say "dead" | 2018-09-29 |
What's With Elijah and Jezebel's Prophets | A study of the "battle of the God's" that Elijah sets up and the full meaning of the "still small voice" | 2018-08-26 |
Introduction to Prophecy | A high-level introduction to prophecy | 2018-07-21 |
2 Peter 1 / Prophecy | A detailed study of 2 Peter 1:12-21 and his reference to the value of prophecy | 2018-07-12 |
What Are We | A detailed study of the essence of what we are | 2018-05-29 |
Your Future Body | A detailed study of the bodies we will have after the resurrection | 2018-04-12 |
The Coming of the Kingdom | A look at all the references in the Bible to the Kingdom of Heaven | 2018-02-25 |
The Children Are Free | How a fish with a coin in its mouth shows us how separate we are (should be) from the world | 2018-02-11 |
Seriousness of Sin | How serious sin is, to God | 2018-01-21 |
![]() After Death | The traditional and CoG7 views and a large number of Bible verses | 2018-01-08 |
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Hail, Fire And Water | A look at the Great Falling Away as depicted in Revelation as Hail, Fire, and Water | 2017-12-31 |
The Word | A detailed study of 'The Word' | 2017-12-17 |
Romans 8:28 | A detailed study of Romans 8:28 in its context | 2017-11-05 |
Deformation and Reformation | An overview of the cycles of deformations in the church and the reformations, with a focus on the Protestant Reformation | 2017-10-29 |
Ezekiels Oddities | A study of Ezekiel's Visions of a future temple and of God traveling around | 2017-10-21 |
Calvinism | Calvinism was one of the early products of the Protestant Reformation. It is now growing in popularity and needs to be understood | 2017-10-08 |
2 Samuel 22 - 23 | A detailed study of 2 Samuel 22 - 23 | 2017-10-01 |
Psalm 90 | A study of Moses prayer at the dedication of the tabernacle | 2017-09-24 |
Humble | A study of what it means to be humble with other people and humble with God | 2017-09-10 |
Race / Skin Color | A study of the genetics of skin color and application to the Bible and the Christian walk | 2017-08-30 |
Jesus Reveals Himself | A study of the way Jesus reveals himself to the Chief Priests as the Messiah and son of God | 2017-08-27 |
Worldly Matters | A study of Mathew 23:23 and other verses such as Micah 6:8 | 2017-08-20 |
Justice Mercy Faith | A study of Mathew 23:23 and other verses such as Micah 6:8 | 2017-08-13 |
Preaching and Teaching | A study of how we are to preach and teach | 2017-08-06 |
Alternative Atonement | A study of the idea that God can specify whatever he chooses to accept as the atonement for sin | 2017-07-30 |
2 Samuel 24 | A detailed study of 2 Samuel 24 | 2017-07-28 |
Virgin Birth | A study of Isaiah 7:14 and whether Isaiah foretold a virgin birth for the Messiah | 2017-07-23 |
The Jewish Wedding | Jesus uses the wedding customs of his time to describe many things. Therefore we need to understand those to understand what he says | 2017-07-16 |
Comfort From Resurrection | Paul uses the Second Coming to comfort the church when loved ones have died - a practice we do not follow | 2017-07-09 |
Sent Into The World | Jesus sends his disciples out into the world and warns them about what it will be like | 2017-07-02 |
2 Samuel 6 | A detailed study of David's failed and successful attempts to bring the Ark to Jerusalem and the separation from Michal | 2017-06-21 |
Salvation By Works | A look at the concept of Salvation by Works | 2017-06-04 |
Shavu'ot Weeks | A look at the feast of Shavu'ot, which became Pentecost, and especially the Weeks aspect of it | 2017-05-28 |
In The World | A practical look at living in the world without being in the world | 2017-05-22 |
Denominations | A look at the beliefs of different Christian denominations | 2017-05-21 |
Ruth Background | A detailed look at the redeemers in Ruth's life | 2017-05-14 |
The Gospel | The Gospel | 2017-05-07 |
Church Music | A study of the music at SVCC | 2017-04-30 |
Got Saved | Analyzing the idea that someone can 'get saved' | 2017-04-29 |
Sacrifices And Offerings | Understanding all the Jewish sacrifices and their purposes | 2017-04-02 |
Haman And Mordecai | A comparison study of Haman and Mordecai | 2017-03-12 |
Honor Your Mother | A study on the Cana Wedding, where Jesus turned water to wine | 2017-03-05 |
Intentional | A thorough look at intentional and unintentional sin | 2017-03-19 |
Marriage Divorce Adultery | A detailed study of Marriage, Divorce, and Adultery | 2017-03-13 |
Why We Lie 2 | A study on lying, why, how, why we shouldn't, and how to stop | 2017-02-19 |
Genesis Of The Ten Commandments | The travels of the Ten Commandments from the mouth of God to Ark of the Covenant | 2017-02-12 |
Knowledge Of Good And Evil | What was the knowledge of Good and Evil that Adam and Eve received | 2017-02-05 |
The Weak In Faith | How we are to handle the weak in faith | 2017-01-29 |
Tough Questions | Tough questions for Christians (questions) | 2017-01-22 |
Tough Questions (answered) | Tough questions for Christians | 2017-01-22 |
Not My People | The meaning of God's many references to Israel as 'not my people' | 2017-01-15 |
Ten Commandments | An in-depth study of the Ten Commandments | 2017-01-15 |
4th Commandment | The 4th commandment of the Ten Commandments | 2017-01-15 |
Man-Made Holy Days | A look at Holy Days created by men | 2017-01-02 |
Orientation of the Heart | What really matters to God is how your heart is oriented, whether it points toward him or in any other direction | 2017-01-01 |
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Jesus' Birth | Jesus Birth | 2016-12-25 |
Favoritism | Favoritism and its consequences | 2016-12-18 |
Greek | The Greek language and the Bible | 2016-11-27 |
Sabbath | Sabbath | 2016-11-26 |
Pope Francis | Pope Francis. Who is he and what is he doing? | 2016-11-25 |
Sacrificing Isaac | A deeper look at God's command to Abraham to sacrifice Isaac | 2016-11-20 |
Satan | Who is Satan? Where did he come from? What will be his destiny | 2016-11-13 |
Noah | A deeper look at Noah and New Testament references to him | 2016-11-06 |
False Prophet | Is the current Pope (Francis) the False Prophet of Bible Prophecy? | 2016-10-30 |
Why Study Bible Prophecy | What do we gain by studying prophecy? | 2016-10-09 |
Fall Feasts 2 | The meaning of the Fall Feasts | 2016-10-02 |
Daniel 12 | Daniel 12 | 2016-09-28 |
Tying Daniel Together | Having studied each chapter of Daniel, we now tie together the prophecies we've learned and fit that into the Bible | 2016-09-25 |
A Creating God | A study of the nature of God that we can learn from his creating. | 2016-09-25 |
Ash, Lent, and Easter | The origins of Ash Wednesday, Lent, Easter, and Resurrection Sunday | 2016-09-04 |
Daniel 10 | Daniel 10 | 2016-08-31 |
Daniel 9 | With the Medo-Persian Empire conquering the Babylonian Empire, Daniel considers the future and realizes the time in Babylon is almost over | 2016-08-24 |
Adding and Taking Away | Warnings in the Bible not to add to or take away from it | 2016-08-21 |
Pearly Gates | Looking at the biblical foundation for idea that Heaven has pearly gates | 2016-08-14 |
Submission | The requirement that Christians submit to the authorities in this world | 2016-07-31 |
Cursing The Blessed | A study of Balak's efforts to get Balaam to curse Israel | 2016-07-24 |
Moses At Meribah | A look at Moses' sin that would keep him from entering the promised land | 2016-07-17 |
Statue Propecy - Focused | A focused look at the prophecy in Daniel's statue dream | 2016-07-03 |
Second Coming In Thessalonians | A look at the Second Coming as described in 1st and 2nd Thessalonians | 2016-06-26 |
Marriage Supper of the Lamb | The wedding feast as a model for the marriage supper of the lamb at the Second Coming | 2016-06-05 |
ContendingForTheFaith | Two false teachings from FaceBook and the need for us to be vigilant | 2016-05-29 |
Order Of Things | Bible puzzles based on ordering things | 2016-05-15 |
Habakkuk's Questions | Habakkuk's vision of questions for God | 2016-05-04 |
Maror - Bitter | What it means to be bitter (Hebrew: maror) and how to combat it | 2016-05-01 |
The Reformation | Martin Luther and the two people before him who began the Reformation | 2016-04-24 |
Holy Common Clean Unclean | What separates Holy from Common and Clean from Unclean | 2016-04-17 |
Being Good Enough | How the world wants the standard to be 'being good enough' | 2016-04-03 |
Choosing Their Lamb | How the rules for the Feast of Passover were a prophecy saying the people would choose Jesus | 2016-03-27 |
Traditions | The good and bad of church traditions | 2016-03-20 |
Do Justice | God requires that we 'do justice' in everything we do. What does that mean and how do we do it? | 2016-02-28 |
EverydayLifeInJesusTime | A description of the many facets of people's lives in Jesus' time | 2016-02-23 |
Precious Stones - Priests | A look at how we are both precious stones and priests | 2016-02-21 |
Secrets of the Kingdom | A look at the references to the afterlife in Job | 2016-02-14 |
The Sword | A look at whether Christianity is more violent than Islam based on the use of the words 'The sword' in the Bible | 2016-02-07 |
TurningAway | A look at some Christian names, mostly musicians, who turned away from God in 2015 | 2016-01-10 |
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Isaiah 2 | A study of Isaiah 2 which looks toward the Millennium and the changes that will occur | 2015-12-27 |
A Prophet Like Me | What Moses meant when he said 'A prophet like me' and where we see that in the New Testament | 2015-12-06 |
1 Timothy 6 | A study of 1 Timothy 6 | 2015-11-08 |
Jonah 3 | A study of Jonah 3 | 2015-10-28 |
When the Wall Came Down | What happened when the wall between Jew and Gentile came down | 2015-09-06 |
Moving Paradise | An analysis of the main theory running contrary to the correct understanding of the afterlife | 2015-09-03 |
Heaven and Hell | A detailed study of the idea that we go to Heaven or Hell when we die | 2015-09-03 |
The Coming Shemitah | A study of Jonathan Cahn's book the Mystery of the Shemitah | 2015-08-16 |
Road To Emmaus | A study of the events on the Road to Emmaus | 2015-08-09 |
All Have Sinned | All Have Sinned | 2015-08-02 |
Rejected | Rejected | 2015-07-26 |
Strange Fire | Aaron's sons offer strange fire to God | 2015-07-18 |
Homosexuality and the Law | What the Bible says about homosexuality | 2015-07-11 |
Bible Characters | A quiz based on some characters in the Bible | 2015-07-05 |
The Words We Use | A look at the many words we use in Christianity that baffle outsiders | 2015-06-27 |
Salvation | A look at Salvation | 2015-06-21 |
Still Rejecting God | Even after Jerusalem was destroyed, as God said it would be, his people are still rejecting him. | 2015-05-24 |
Testing God | What does it mean to 'test God' | 2015-04-26 |
Clean Unclean | A look at the concepts of Clean and Unclean | 2015-04-19 |
The Great Falling Away | A study of one of the most important events of the end time - the Great Falling Away | 2015-04-12 |
Breakthrough | A look at what it meant to breakthrough when Uzzah touched the Ark | 2015-03-22 |
Dry Bones | The meaning of the dry bones described by Ezekiel | 2015-03-01 |
Elihu | A look at the words of Elihu from Job | 2015-01-25 |
Twisting Scripture | Why and how people twist scripture | 2015-01-11 |
Prophecies Of Messiah | A list of most Old Testament prophecies about the Messiah and how they were fulfilled | 2015-01-04 |
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Warnings and Correction | A look at how God has used difficult events to warn and correct us | 2014-12-28 |
John 3:16 | A study of the context of John 3:16 | 2014-12-14 |
Resurrection | A look 1 Corinthians 15 and its discussion of the resurrection | 2014-11-09 |
What Is Love | A Facebook meme about love that sounds good but is not | 2014-10-12 |
What Can Separate Us | A look at what can really separate us from God | 2014-10-05 |
The Nature Of God | The nature of God as proclaimed by God | 2014-09-28 |
Fall Feasts | A look at the Fall Feasts and a little of the Spring Feasts | 2014-09-21 |
Lacking Discernment | A look at examples of Christians showing an utter lack of discernment | 2014-08-31 |
Keeping Our Kids In The Church | Why young people leave the church and how to keep them there | 2014-08-24 |
Strangers in a Strange Land | A look at how we should view our existence in this world. | 2014-08-17 |
Evolution And The Eye | The eye and the ear as amazing evidences of creation, not evolution. | 2014-07-13 |
Perfection | A look at the requirement for perfection and when that occurs | 2014-07-06 |
Submission | The necessity for Christians to submit to earthly authorities | 2014-06-29 |
God Is Just | God describes how his ways are just but people say they are not | 2014-06-22 |
Abraham | The beginning of the story of Abram / Abraham | 2014-06-08 |
Shavu'ot | A look at the feast of Shavu'ot, which became Pentecost | 2014-06-01 |
The Reformation Garbage Can | The beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church that were thrown out during the Protestant Reformation. | 2014-05-25 |
A Firm Foundation | How Genesis provides a firm foundation for the Bible | 2014-05-18 |
The Arena | A study of Paul's reference to Timothy about 'the arena's' of his time, how they pull people away from the faith, and how that still occurs. | 2014-04-27 |
For Such a Time as This | A study of Ruth | 2014-04-20 |
Who Is Jesus | Hebrews 1-3 defines who Jesus is | 2014-04-13 |
Things To Come | A list of major events in the Bible that are yet to occur | 2014-04-06 |
The Works Prepared For Us To Do | Understanding the works God has prepared for us to do | 2014-03-30 |
Understanding The Bible | Some techniques and attitudes for understanding the Bible | 2014-03-23 |
Galatians 1-4 An Overview | Understanding what the Galatians had done that showed they had turned away from the Messiah | 2014-03-16 |
Polycarp, Heretic Fighter | A look at the life of Polycarp, the last man known to have worked with the apostles | 2014-03-09 |
Context | Understanding the importance of understanding the Bible in its context | 2014-03-02 |
Intertestamental Period | A study of the events that occurred after the Old Testament but before the New Testament | 2014-02-23 |
The Olde Songs | A look at some of the good old songs of the church | 2014-02-16 |
Real Love Is Real Hard | The definition of love in 1 Corinthians 13 is practically impossible for us to live up to | 2014-02-09 |
The Scissors | Two verses from Hebrews that work together like scissors to cut up bad ideas about the Sabbath | 2014-01-25 |
God Is In Control | The stories of Old Testament people give reasons to understand that God is in control and that we can trust him | 2014-01-18 |
Four Blood Moons | The Four Blood Moons: their probability and significance | 2014-01-05 |
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ThreeGreatFails | Looking at three Bible characters who really missed the point and failed | 2013-12-29 |
John The Baptist | Details about John the Baptist you never knew | 2013-12-08 |
How Great is Our God | Through Isaiah, God describes those things that show how great he is. | 2013-11-30 |
Unquestioning Faith | Romans 10 discusses a lack of faith that constantly questions and never believes | 2013-11-24 |
Faith and Fear | How Peter's walk on water shows the process of faith and the effect of fear on it | 2013-11-10 |
MercyAndLaw | God had always intended that the law should be dispensed with mercy | 2013-11-03 |
Purity | Becoming and staying pure | 2013-10-27 |
What One Person Can Do | Based on the story of Nehemia | 2013-10-20 |
Religious Evils | Looking at the idea that religions are the source of all evil | 2013-10-13 |
Why We Lie | Based on 'The Seven Levels of Lying' by Sarah Sumner | 2013-09-29 |
Song Of Crucifixion | A song that describes the crucifixion - from Jesus' point of view | 2013-09-22 |
Is This The End | Considering whether the end-time events that Jesus described are occurring in our time | 2013-09-15 |
Best Of Parables | A collection of Jesus' best parables and their explanations | 2013-09-01 |
Coptic Christians | The Coptic Christians = the very first group to split from the Roman Catholic Church and the only one to survive so long | 2013-08-25 |
Assurance of Salvation | A look at the idea of assurance of salvation | 2013-08-11 |
The Prince To Come 2 | Daniel 9 talks about a prince who is to come. He has friends. | 2013-08-04 |
Founded Tradition | Some traditions have no Biblical foundation and could be removed. Others are Biblically founded | 2013-07-28 |
Ante-Deluvian | Looking at the world before the flood | 2013-07-14 |
The Spirit Removed | The Bible talks about a time when the Holy Spirit will be removed | 2013-07-07 |
144000 | What the Revelation says about a particular group of people - the 144,000 | 2013-06-30 |
Marriage | What Biblical marriage should be | 2013-06-23 |
Bible Translations | A study of Bible translations, why there are so many and how to choose a good one | 2013-06-16 |
Gods Purpose In Miracles | What does God get from miracles that he should do them? | 2013-06-09 |
Judging | 'Judge not lest you be judged' - what that really means | 2013-06-02 |
The Law | God's law through history and what applies to Christians in our time | 2013-05-26 |
Freedom From Sin | The Bible says that we are free from sin but it doesn't seem that way. | 2013-05-19 |
Sin Personified | Sometimes the Bible speaks of sin as a creature | 2013-05-12 |
7 Days | A look at the 7 days of creation | 2013-04-10 |
The Trinity in the Old Testament | A look at the references to the Trinity that are found in the Old Testament | 2013-04-07 |
Theisms | The different levels of belief and unbelief | 2013-03-17 |
Apostolic Succession | Checking the validity and value of the concept of apostolic succession | 2013-03-03 |
Purim Esther | A review of the story of Esther | 2013-02-24 |
Return Of The King | What 1st and 2nd Thessalonians say about the return of the King | 2013-02-17 |
Prosperity Gospel | Looking at the Biblical basis for a Gospel where God blesses his people with prosperity | 2013-02-03 |
Faith | There was never a time when salvation came by works, despite what some people teach | 2013-01-20 |
Love In The Supermarket Aisle | Practical ways to show love in the world | 2013-01-13 |
Laying It Down | Understanding the important concept that Jesus laid his life down; no one took it from him | 2013-01-06 |
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Head Coverings | A look at head coverings | 2012-12-30 |
70 Weeks | A look at the 70 weeks of Daniel | 2012-12-09 |
Abortion | What the Bible says about ending the life of the unborn | 2012-11-25 |
Worship | When we say we are going to church to worship God, what are we going to do that is worship | 2012-11-11 |
Restoration In 7 Feasts | How the 7 Jewish feasts lay out God's plan for salvation | 2012-10-28 |
Israel | A study of Romans 11 | 2012-10-21 |
Lean Forward | The necessity for the Christian not to shrink back but to lean forward | 2012-10-14 |
Righteousness | What it means to be righteous | 2012-10-07 |
Hyperbole In The Bible | A look at the use of hyperbole in the Bible | 2012-09-30 |
Practical Christianity | Putting our faith into practice | 2012-09-23 |
Why We Die | We are so used to the idea that each of us will die, that we never ask the question, 'Why is it we must die' | 2012-09-09 |
The Sign | A lesson to be learned about people and a sign at an airport | 2012-08-19 |
Literally The Bible | Is the Bible literally true | 2012-08-19 |
Stories Of Daniel | A participation exercise where the students summarize the stories from Daniel | 2012-07-22 |
Deists Not | The claim that the founding fathers were Deists and not Christians is shown to be false | 2012-07-08 |
Divination | A look at divination and what's behind it | 2012-06-16 |
Icons | The worship of icons and statues | 2012-06-03 |
Systems Of Government | A study of how Christianity fits into the world's systems of government | 2012-05-13 |
Satan Attacks The Church | How Satan attacked the early churches | 2012-04-01 |
Unifying World Religions | A study of a secular article about unifying the world's major religions | 2012-03-25 |
Chrislam | A study of a Muslim variation of Christianity being taught in Muslim countries | 2012-02-26 |
Adam | What we know about Adam | 2012-02-19 |
Ten Commandments Recap | The spiritual side of the Ten Commandments | 2012-02-12 |
Predestination | A look at the concept that God predetermined our destinies before we were born | 2012-02-05 |
Unseen Prophetic Fulfillment | A look at the failure to recognize prophecies in the time that they were being fulfilled | 2012-01-22 |
Introduction To Bible Prophecy | An Introduction to Bible Prophecy | 2012-01-08 |
Obedience | The test of your love for a king / ruler is obedience | 2012-01-01 |
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The Real Jew | Misconceptions about what Jews were like | 2011-12-17 |
Brushing Up Your Hebrew | Christians know more Hebrew words than they think but they don't know what they are or what they mean | 2011-12-04 |
Crucifixion And The World | Paul talks about how the world views the gospel message | 2011-10-16 |
Beasts And Heads And Horns | Making sense of some of the symbols in Revelation | 2011-10-09 |
Where Evil Grows | John describes the sources of the evil within us | 2011-09-25 |
Fall Feasts | Introduction to the Fall Feasts of Judaism | 2011-09-25 |
Persecution | Examples of Christian persecution | 2011-09-11 |
God's Economics | A look at the economic system created by God for his people | 2011-08-21 |
7 | A look at the uses and meaning of the number 7 in the Bible | 2011-08-14 |
Messianic Church In Israel | A look at Messianic churches in Israel | 2011-08-07 |
The Great Commission - Fulfilled | Has the gospel gone out to all nations and the Great Commission been fulfilled | 2011-07-31 |
Pew Research Questionaire | Looking at a poll by Pew Research to determine the level of knowledge by Christians | 2011-07-31 |
The Christian In Society | How does a Christian fit into a godless society? | 2011-07-10 |
Talmud Teachings | Some teachings from the Talmud about the giving of the Ten Commandments | 2011-06-26 |
Be Like Jesus | Paul says our model should be Jesus | 2011-06-26 |
Statue Prophecy | Daniel's prophecy in a statue | 2011-04-24 |
Some Will Perish | Understanding that, despite what anyone may do, some people will perish | 2011-04-17 |
Order In The Church | Paul explains how the church should be ordered | 2011-03-27 |
Order In The Church | Paul explains how the church should be ordered | 2011-03-13 |
Rapture | Different views about the rapture | 2011-03-06 |
Order In The Church | Paul explains how the church should be ordered | 2011-03-06 |
And Then The End Will Come | The final signs that lead up to the Second Coming | 2011-02-27 |
Stuck In The Physical World | Some people just can't separate themselves from the world when they should be spiritual | 2011-02-13 |
Jesus Is The Messiah | Jesus disciples slowly come to the realization that Jesus is the Messiah | 2011-02-06 |
Isaiah Sees The Messiah | Isaiah prophesies about a coming Messiah | 2011-01-30 |
Salvation Is From The Jews | Isaiah prophesies salvation (Jesus) will come from the Jews | 2011-01-23 |
Blood Of The Lamb | As gory as 'the blood of the lamb' sounds, it makes sense | 2011-01-16 |
Salvation For Israel | Isaiah speaks of a salvation that will come for Israel, who are now in Babylon | 2011-01-09 |
Israel To Return From Babylon | Encouraging Israel with a prophecy that they would return from captivity | 2011-01-02 |
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Comfort In Prophecy | Isaiah uses prophecy to comfort Israel | 2010-12-05 |
Omniscience | Knowing everything and the pre-destination / free-choice problem that creates | 2010-11-28 |
Old Habits | Fighting those old habits that are so hard to drop | 2010-11-07 |
Doing It God's Way | Sometimes we know where we are going and we think we know how to get there and that keeps us from doing it God's way | 2010-10-10 |
How To Lie Cheat And Steal | A study in ethics | 2010-09-26 |
Denominations | A comparison of the major denominations | 2010-09-12 |
C.S. Lewis | A study of the work of C.S. Lewis, Christian author and thinker | 2010-08-01 |
Second Thessalonians - Closing Remarks | 2 Thessalonians 3 | 2010-07-25 |
Worthy Of Suffering | 2 Thessalonians 1 | 2010-07-11 |
As A Thief In The Night | 1 Thessalonians 4 and 5 | 2010-07-04 |
The Christian Walk In Thessalonica | 1 Thessalonians 4 | 2010-06-27 |
Good News Of Faith And Love | A study of 1 Thessalonians 2 | 2010-06-20 |
A Ministry Without Fault Or Blame | A perfect ministry | 2010-06-13 |
Praise For The Worthy | Everything that we do should should be worthy of praise (from God) | 2010-06-06 |
Desiring Things Above | The focus of our desires should be on heavenly things, not on worldly things | 2010-05-16 |
Sophistry | Looking at the idea that something can sound good and seem to make sense but isn't Biblical | 2010-05-09 |
Are Mormons Christian | How far away from the Bible are Mormon beliefs and how close do you need to be, to be a Christian | 2010-05-02 |
Ezekiel's Battle | The failed attack on Israel described in Ezekiel 38 and 39 | 2010-04-25 |
The Invitation | God has sent out an invitation to a great supper. Be there | 2010-04-25 |
The Law | Does the Old Testament law still apply to Christians | 2010-04-18 |
The Power Of Faith With Authority | Acts of faith | 2010-04-11 |
Sadducees | Who were the Sadducees who are mentioned in the New Testament | 2010-03-28 |
The Lord's Prayer As He Spoke It | A look at the Lord's Prayer as he Spoke it | 2010-03-21 |
Favoritism | James speaks strongly against playing favorites | 2010-03-14 |
When Good Turns Bad | Cases where the leadership of the church has turned away from the truth | 2010-03-07 |
Transfiguration | A study of all three accounts of the transfiguration of Jesus | 2010-02-21 |
Who Am I | When Jesus asked his disciples this question | 2010-02-14 |
Atheism | An introduction to atheistic views and reasoning | 2010-01-31 |
Strengthened In Temptation | The temptation of Jesus | 2010-01-10 |
Proclaimed In Baptism | The baptism of Jesus | 2010-01-03 |
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Messiah's Birth Mixed Emotions | A wide range of emotions were experienced by different people on hearing of the Messiah's birth | 2009-12-27 |
Immanuel | The birth of Jesus and the foretelling of that event | 2009-12-20 |
Prophets Of Messiah's Birth | Isaiah prophesies a messiah born of a girl (virgin) | 2009-12-13 |
Lineage of David | Looking at the lineage of King David down to Jesus | 2009-12-06 |
Hope Of The Second Coming | The hope of the Christian should be in the return of the Messiah | 2009-11-29 |
Keeping The Faith | Peter talks about how he has kept the faith and charges those after him to do the same | 2009-11-22 |
Holiness And Purity | How to keep holy and pure | 2009-11-08 |
Wealth | How wealth represents a danger to the Christian | 2009-11-01 |
Contact: stan /dot/ burton /at/ ourhope.site (this is to avoid being spammed)