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Bible Study Lessons

This is a list of adult Bible Study lessons that have been presented, in reverse order, so the latest is at the top. Touch the name to go to the lesson

Over time, these lessons have become more advanced and some are now very advanced material that may require understanding less deep concepts that are still not widely known. Sometimes these are found in earlier lessons.

I also have a YouTube channel that is focused on prophecy. That has now moved to Rumble, although the previous videos are still on YouTube.

I also have a book you might find interesting.

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Lincoln's Guilt
Lincoln acted on his own desire and without a legal basis when he provoked the Confederates into war. What does the Bible say?2025-03-27

The Cleansing of the Spirit
The ways in which the Holy Spirit cleans us2025-02-02

The Nicodemus Teachings
Jesus packs a lot into some teachings that he gives to Nicodemus2024-12-21

How I Got Here
The path God took me on to becoming a real Christian2024-11-11

The Church Business Plan
Does God want his churches to be run like corporations with business plans?2024-09-12
Sabbatismos, 5 WaysThere are 5 ways to understand the meaning of the Greek word "Sabbatismos" in Hebrews 42024-08-21
My Lord The Time Has ComeA poem based on the four horsemen of Revelation2024-08-09
What Should Have Happened In The GardenNo one ever asks what should have happened in the Garden of Eden when the snake started saying new things to Eve.2024-06-29

How Many Strikes
One of the most basic questions in Christianity can't be answered by most Christians.2024-05-26
The Church of ThyatiraMost people don't understand Revelation's message to the Church of Thyatira. It's also a message to the churches of our time.2024-04-28

Bible Text Tampering
A study of the worst, and most obvious, case of tampering with the text of the Bible.2024-04-08
The Continuing Story Of Adam And EveThe story of Adam and Eve is not about two people that we have nothing in common with.2024-03-29

Judges 19
A deep look into one of the grizzly stories of the Bible.2024-03-17
Arguments On Mark 7:19Some translations render Mark 7:19 as a declaration by Jesus that all meats are clean. This study argues against that idea.2024-02-26
Sometimes Faithfulness Is A Closed MouthGod may reveal things to us that he doesn't want us to reveal to others2024-01-29
2020 - 2021

Contact: stan /dot/ burton /at/ ourhope.site (this is to avoid being spammed)